What is the Sports Operations Committee (SOC)?
As part of the Swim England governance structure, the Sports Operations Committee reports directly into the Swim England Board. It has wide brief including overseeing the effective delivery of the aquatic pathway, across all disciplines from learn to swim through to the elite programmes, ensuring a seamless transition for all participants.
The Sports Operations Committee will be instrumental in setting the direction for all of our aquatic sports, to achieve our ambitious strategic aims. The Committee will utilise its collective experience and relationships with our discipline leadership groups, regions and clubs to ensure we successfully tackle inequalities and ensure the culture of our sports is safe and welcoming for everyone.
The Committee is currently comprised of seven volunteer members, the Chair – Joan Wheeler, a further Swim England Board member, four committed individuals recruited from the membership, a nominated Regional Chair and a representative of the Youth Advisory Panel, plus two members of the Executive Leadership Team.
In order to expand the skills of the group, the Board has recently agreed to an increase of the membership of the Sports Operation Committee and we are therefore seeking 2 x Swim England Members to join the Sports Operations Committee on a voluntary basis.
Role Summary
Reporting to the Board through the Sports Operations Committee Chair, members of the group will play a key role in discussing and debating the implementation of Swim England’s strategy and operational performance. This is an opportunity to join an organisation driven by our values and a new strategy, launched in November, “One Swim England”.
We are looking for individuals who have a passion for aquatic with experience as a swimmer, coach or committee member. Having evaluated the current membership of SOC we would be particularly interested to hear from those with a current involvement in Masters Swimming, Water Polo or Coaching background.
We are also wanting to hear from members who are not already volunteering in governance positions at county, regional or national level.
What is the commitment?
The Sports Operations Committee meets eight times per year, with papers circulated at least a week prior to the meeting. Meetings are usually held on line, with one ‘in person’ at Loughborough, Although the committee currently meets during the normal working day we are committed to arranging meetings at times suitable to its members.
It is expected that committee members attend every meeting where possible, and have had the time to read through papers to support constructive discussion during meetings.
In order to support strong collaboration throughout the sports, we would also like the candidate to represent the Sports Operations Committee on one of the Discipline Leadership Groups.. These groups meet 6 - 8 times per year virtually.
We estimate the total commitment to be approximately 6 hours per month.
Appointments to the committee are usually on a four year term, with the potential for a second four year term, subject to recruitment.
Further information on the Sports Operations Committee, including minutes of meetings, can be found on our website at https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/swim-england-board-meetings-minutes/